Saturday, January 12, 2013

Holiday Baking...

I just looked on here and realized that my last post was almost a month ago! I apologize for being so neglectful. The crazy thing is that I did bake over the holidays, and somehow never blogged them. (I think I've not been enjoying it quite so much since blogger hasn't been letting me post pictures - something about having taken up all my space!) So, now they're on their way. The new recipes from this Christmas that will be appearing very soon are...

*Christmas Poke Cake
*Mini Turtle Cheesecakes

Both were a hit, and I enjoyed making them! For this weekend, I've just got to get another batch of granola in the oven (I've eaten the entire first batch... a couple of weeks ago), and a second set of the mini cheesecakes for my sweet work friends.

1 comment:

  1. I love poke cake! Can't wait to see how you made it for Christmas!
