Saturday, November 3, 2012

Coming Soon... {November Edition}

Would anyone like to guess how the last two weeks have gone? They've been a little crazy, and I've barely cooked anything since my last post - sad, but true. I did, however, have enough left over from the last few recipes that I didn't have to cook for about a week. So, now that those crazy two weeks are over, and before the next crazy one begins, I'm going to do a little cooking...

The two big tries of the week are going to be:

Jalapeno Kettle Chip Crusted Chicken {thank you Pinterest} from this blog.


Zero Calorie Strawberry Banana Slushi from this blog {also found via Pinterest}

Have I ever told you how much I love Pinterest! While I know it's a time-sucker for most people (and for me, I'll admit it), it has been so useful to me! I get ideas for food and crafts and work that I actually use - on a regular basis! I will never use everything I pin... but it has definitely been a fantastic way to try things! :)

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