Thursday, November 15, 2012

Baked Cinnamon Tortilla

I should start by saying that you probably already know about this. My mom has been making this for us for years, either with left over dough (she makes the best bread/roll/pizza/any-kind-of dough) or with a tortilla.

You will need:
*tortillas (as many as you want to make)
*cinnamon & sugar

You will:
*Preheat the oven or turn on the broiler (either would work).
*Butter and cinnamon&sugar the tortilla

*Put in the oven (on a pan) for 5 or so minutes (depending on how you cook it, it may take longer or a little shorter - keep an eye on it and wait for the butter to melt and for some browning around the edges)
*Take it out, let it cool just a bit, and enjoy!

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